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TORONTO – Mike Schreiner today repeated his demand to the Premier: Keep your Greenbelt promise, keep your hands off our Greenbelt.

Speaking to a packed rally outside the annual conference of the Rural Ontario Municipal Association, Schreiner said: “It’s not the land speculators’ Greenbelt, it’s not the Premier’s Greenbelt – it’s the people’s Greenbelt …

QUEEN’S PARK – Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response to the Premier’s government’s announcement that they will table legislation allowing healthcare workers licensed in other provinces to immediately practice in Ontario.

“When will the Premier admit that Ontario’s healthcare crisis won’t be solved until he treats nurses and frontline healthcare workers …

QUEEN’S PARK – Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response to a report that the Premier’s government waited until municipalities were on vacation before issuing a notice stripping Conservation Authorities (CAs) of vital environmental oversight powers.

“The Premier’s government’s stealth and deception is unacceptable and damaging. The Premier’s embrace of underhanded tactics …

QUEEN’S PARK– Mike Schreiner made the following statement in response to the new report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC):

“How many more damning reports that tell us it’s ‘now or never’ to act on climate do we need before the Ontario government starts taking the climate emergency seriously?

Today’s report from the …

TORONTO — This morning, Mike Schreiner held a virtual news conference and called for significant investment in student mental health as kids return to in-person learning.

“As kids head back to school this week, student mental health has to be a top priority,” Schreiner said. “Access to mental health care should not be …

Guelph is Ready: community leaders come together to discuss a safe return to school

(Guelph, January 14, 2022) – Officials and community leaders from Guelph gather to discuss being ready for a safe return for students.

In an impressive display of community leadership and collaboration, leaders in healthcare, education, public health, and business, along with municipal …

QUEEN’S PARK — Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response to the government’s new LTC legislation:

“It shouldn’t have taken the tragic deaths and suffering of thousands of elders for the Premier to finally budge on improving LTC.

By failing to build the promised ‘iron ring’ around LTC during COVID-19, this government poured …

MPP Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response to reports of crowded classrooms and surging COVID-19 cases in schools:

“The government must immediately reverse their opposition to lower class sizes and get money flowing to boards to lower class sizes.

It is ridiculous that unvaccinated children are being crammed into classes of reportedly …

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