QUEEN’S PARK — Mike Schreiner released this statement after the Premier’s press conference:

“Instead of campaigning around the province, the Premier should be working with his Minister on a plan to reopen schools full-time in September.

It is unacceptable that seven weeks out from the start of the school year, parents, students and educators …

QUEEN’S PARK — Mike Schreiner released this statement after the Ford government announced Stage 3 reopening for Ontario:

“Securing a safe place for kids to be Monday to Friday should be a higher priority than allowing people to crowd into bars and restaurants.

The Premier is forgetting that workplaces are staffed by working parents …

QUEEN’S PARK — Mike Schreiner released this statement after the Premier announced a new logo for Ontario products:

“Local businesses will need more than logos to survive COVID-19.

Although I support efforts to make it easier to buy locally made products, I invite the Premier to actually attend the all-party committee meetings where businesses …

QUEEN’S PARK — Mike Schreiner released this statement about a return to school in September:

“Experts are increasingly suggesting that schools can be safely reopened in September by following safety protocols to reduce the spread of COVID-19.

Child health experts are increasing their calls for in-person learning to be re-started to protect the mental …

QUEEN’S PARK — Mike Schreiner released this statement after the Government announced its economic recovery bill:

“Protecting forests, farmland and drinking water is not red tape.

The Premier wants us to believe that we need to destroy the places we love to get the economy moving. He’s wrong.

Caring for nature, farmland and water is …

QUEEN’S PARK — Mike Schreiner released this statement after the Ford government passed Bill 175:

“This bill does more harm than good for people requiring home and community care.

The Conservatives are repeating the same mistakes in home and community care that put our elders at risk in nursing homes during COVID-19.

I was hoping …

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