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  • Fossil gas phaseout isn’t ideological – it’s essential

GUELPH — MPP Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response to the Ministry of Energy and Electrification’s comment that phasing out fossil gas is an “ideological pathway.”

“The Minister’s comments today are totally disconnected from the reality Ontario is facing.

Ramping up expensive, dirty gas plants makes no sense when people are facing an affordability crisis and a climate emergency.

Giving billions to fossil gas giants to keep Ontario hooked on expensive gas is part of this government’s ideological commitment to enriching wealthy, well-connected insiders.

Just today, a report from the Canadian Climate Institute concluded that continued fossil gas expansion is inconsistent with cost-effectively reaching net zero.

Other provinces and countries are already reaping the benefits of their clean energy investments, with the United States renewable energy investments netting $249 billion in climate and health benefits in just three years.

These are facts, and any responsible government would do well to pay attention to them.

Instead, this government is spending taxpayer dollars to build new fossil gas plants and subsidize gas hookups that line the pockets of Enbridge executives – all while pollution and costs keep rising.”

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