QUEEN’S PARK — MPP Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response to the release of the FAO’s spending plan review of the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, which estimates that the Province has allocated $3.7 billion less than required to fund existing programs and announced commitments from 2024-25 to …

GUELPH– Mike Schreiner issued the following statement in support of over 200 advocacy groups calling for the doubling of social assistance rates:

“It is shameful that people with disabilities are forced to live in legislated poverty.

Social assistance rates have failed to meet people’s basic needs for decades. Now, with skyrocketing inflation and …

TORONTO– Mike Schreiner penned an open letter to the Premier this afternoon, calling on his government to double Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) rates immediately.

“The issue of affordability is top of mind for many Ontarians right now,” Schreiner wrote. “And people with disabilities are feeling the effects of the cost of living …

TORONTO– Mike Schreiner made the following statement on the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP):

“The cost of living is skyrocketing, but the Premier refuses to budge on increasing Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) rates.

Today, Statistics Canada reported the largest annual increase in cost of living in over 30 years. The cost of food …

TORONTO — Mike Schreiner made the following statement on ODSP:

“The cost of living is skyrocketing, inflation rates are going up. So why aren’t social-assistance rates too?

I continue to call on the Premier to double the rates for the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP).

Persons with disabilities have been asking for help during COVID …

QUEEN’S PARK — Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response to the lack of ODSP support in the 2021-22 budget:

“Instead of using the budget to address the immense challenges that Ontarians with disabilities are facing, there were no increases in support for people on ODSP.

This is a shame.

Since Premier Ford took office …

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