GUELPH — MPP Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response to the Ministry of Energy and Electrification’s comment that phasing out fossil gas is an “ideological pathway.”

“The Minister’s comments today are totally disconnected from the reality Ontario is facing.

Ramping up expensive, dirty gas plants makes no sense when people are facing …

QUEEN’S PARK — MPP Mike Schreiner has written to Ontario’s Auditor General requesting a value for money audit and review of the financial and environmental costs of the government’s decision to overturn the Ontario Energy Board ruling that would have ended the subsidization of fossil gas hookups in newly built Ontario homes.

“The …

GUELPH — Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response to news that the government will proceed with the refurbishment of four reactors at the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station.

“The government’s Pickering plan will drive up electricity costs.

I understand that nuclear power from the Bruce and Darlington nuclear stations will be part of …

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