TORONTO– Mike Schreiner penned an open letter to the Premier this afternoon, calling on his government to double Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) rates immediately.

“The issue of affordability is top of mind for many Ontarians right now,” Schreiner wrote. “And people with disabilities are feeling the effects of the cost of living …

QUEEN’S PARK– Mike Schreiner made the following statement in response to the Premier’s government’s budget:

“The Premier just announced a 1950s-era Sprawl Budget that is taking us backwards and setting Ontario up for an expensive, unhealthy province that will pave over our children’s future.

We’re in a climate emergency and a cost of living crisis …

QUEEN’S PARK– Mike Schreiner made the following statement ahead of budget day:

“The Premier’s budget tomorrow needs to include investments in addressing the climate emergency, the housing affordability crisis and the mental health crisis.

We’re in a climate emergency that’s making life more expensive and unhealthy, it’s getting harder and harder for Ontarians to find …

TORONTO– Mike Schreiner made the following statement in response to the Premier’s election promise of raising injured workers’ compensation:

“Actions speak louder than words when it comes to supporting workers.

And the Premier has failed injured workers by denying them benefits through deeming.

If the Premier really cared about supporting injured workers, he would immediately end …

TORONTO– Mike Schreiner made the following statement in response to reports and documents that raise questions about the true cost of shutting down Ontario’s gas plants:

“The Premier needs to come clean on the financial and environmental costs of his plan to ramp up gas plants.

According to one of the scenarios included in the newly uncovered …

“On International Women’s Day, and every day, I’m calling on the government to make women’s mental health a priority.

Research shows that women have experienced much higher mental health-related challenges as a result of the pandemic.

The pressure of being a teacher, mother and professional all at once as offices and classrooms shut down …

“Life is getting more and more expensive in Ontario, and the affordability crunch is hitting Ontarians with disabilities the hardest.

The average rent for a one bedroom apartment is over $1,000 a month, and even higher in cities like Toronto.

Yet the basic needs and shelter allowance for ODSP is just $1,169 a month …

QUEEN’S PARK — Mike Schreiner made the following statement in response to news that the Premier’s government is backtracking on its plan to deregulate traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture and is removing Schedule 5 from Bill 88:

“I’m relieved that the Premier finally listened to traditional Chinese medicine practitioners and is scrapping his plans …

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