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Submit a comment to the Environmental Registry of Ontario before January 20th
To the Legislative Assembly of Ontario
WHEREAS the Progressive Conservative government recently introduced Bill 66, and Schedule 10 of the proposed legislation will allow municipalities to override significant pieces of existing environmental and planning legislation.
WHEREAS Schedule 10 also denies the requirement for public consultation and notice on development in one’s own community.
WHEREAS Schedule 10 threatens hard fought and valued protections for Clean Water, the Greenbelt, the Great Lakes, the Oak Ridges Moraine, and other environmentally sensitive areas.
WHEREAS Ontario has one of the richest natural and environmental legacies in the world.
WHEREAS we are currently facing a combined climate and biodiversity crisis with growing impacts on human health.
AND, WHEREAS a failure to protect our farmland and wetlands will result in significant ecological damage and economic hardship.
THEREFORE, we the undersigned, petition the Legislative Assembly of Ontario to remove schedule 10 from Bill 66
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