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  • Province needs an EV plan that puts affordability, accessibility first

GUELPH — Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response to the Premier’s call for a 100 percent tariff on Chinese electric vehicles.

“If the Premier wants to protect Ontario jobs and our growing EV sector, he needs to ensure that Ontarians can actually afford to buy and use the EVs we produce.

I support measures to protect Ontario jobs and investments in the growth of our EV sector, including increasing tariffs on Chinese-made EVs. But imposing tariffs is not a silver-bullet solution to protect and grow our EV sector.

These measures need to be accompanied by a plan to increase the affordability of Ontario-made EVs and the accessibility of charging stations across the province.

These are simple measures the government could take to make sure that the growth of our EV supply chain actually benefits the people of this province, and I hope the Premier will step up to the plate with a credible action plan that does just that.”

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