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  • The government gets a failing grade on affordable childcare program

QUEEN’S PARK — MPP Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response to news that a Toronto childcare operator is reducing wages for hundreds of staff members due to insufficient funding under the $10-a-day childcare model.

“Ontario workers – and families – deserve better than this government’s long list of broken promises.

Our childcare workers do incredibly emotionally and physically demanding work. They deserve to be compensated for the essential role they play in our kids’ early years – but the current $10-a-day funding model is standing in the way.

The government needs to expedite its funding formula revision to ensure families receive the affordable childcare they’re entitled to, and childcare operators can hire and retain qualified staff to keep our kids happy, healthy and safe.

I encourage the government to work with providers to address the shortfalls of the current funding model and ensure our childcare workers are fairly paid for the difficult work they do.”

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