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  • Case numbers and test numbers going in opposite directions

QUEEN’S PARK — Mike Schreiner released the following statement after Ontario broke another record for new cases:

“What alarms me the most is the huge gap between testing and case numbers.

Ontario is recording the highest positivity rate (4.2%) since May and yet there seems to be no urgency to test more people.

Case numbers and testing are going in opposite directions, which is the worst possible scenario right now.

In fact, testing numbers have dropped week over week since the switch to appointment-only testing. 

At this point, it’s fair to say that the promise to test 50,000 people per day is a broken one.

The Premier needs to explain why his government is dragging its feet and failing to maximize the testing capacity that it claims to have.

I worry that the virus is spreading more widely than we realize because the government is failing to monitor its spread in the community and they have given up on contact tracing.

The Government needs to make testing and contact tracing more widespread and accessible if it is going to stay ahead of the virus so we can avoid strain on hospitals and keep our economy open.”

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