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  • Funding to accelerate alcohol transition out of touch with Ontarians’ realities

GUELPH — Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response to news that the government is providing The Beer Store with up to $225 million over the next 19 months to accelerate the timeline for getting alcohol into convenience, grocery and big-box stores.

“Right now, far too many Ontarians are struggling to make rent or find a family doctor. They want a government that sees their struggles and responds with the investments in the services they rely on every single day.

The Premier is out of touch with the real struggles people are facing. People need the government to fast track funding for housing affordability and healthcare instead of giving hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to the Beer Store to speed up a timeline they announced just five months ago.

While I support measures that will increase consumer choice and benefit local alcohol producers, this move should not take precedence over funding to build more homes, increase access to healthcare or prepare for the climate risks we’re facing this summer.”

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