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  • Ontario taxpayers on the hook for oil and gas giants’ destruction

GUELPH — MPP Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response to the government’s latest funding commitment for oil and gas well cleanup.

“We all know that legacy oil and gas wells pose a danger to our communities, ecosystems and environment.

Although it is vital to public safety to clean them up, it is infuriating that taxpayers are on the hook for this at a time when the government is forcing Ontarians to subsidize the expansion of fossil gas infrastructure.

Subsidizing fossil gas giant Enbridge is a bad deal for Ontarians. It’s only going to drive up energy costs while leaving a legacy of further environmental destruction.

The best way to protect Ontario’s consumers, economy and climate is to invest in low-cost renewables, money saving heat pumps and ambitious efficiency programs that help us save money by saving energy.

Instead, the Premier is repeatedly putting the interests of wealthy, well-connected insiders before everyday Ontarians.”

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