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  • The government blocking Ontario’s housing progress

QUEEN’S PARK — Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response to new data from the Financial Accountability Office showing that in order to reach the government’s target of 1.5 million homes by the end of 2031, Ontario would need to build an average of 38,600 units each quarter, a 66 percent increase in the pace of quarterly starts since 2021.

“The government is standing in the way of Ontario’s housing progress, and these numbers show it.

It’s been shown time and time again that legalizing gentle density is the cheapest and fastest way to build more homes in existing neighbourhoods – unlocking more ownership opportunities for young Ontarians locked out of the housing market.

Rather than prioritizing wealthy land speculators, I call on the government to implement bold solutions to build more homes people can afford in the communities Ontarians know and love, including:

  • Legalizing gentle density by allowing fourplexes and four-story apartments in all neighbourhoods, and six to 11 stories on major streets;
  • Protecting renters by reimplementing rent and vacancy control and cracking down on illegal evictions;
  • Building hundreds of thousands affordable and supportive community rental homes; and
  • Getting speculation out of the housing market.”
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