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  • The government is failing on clean energy future

QUEEN’S PARK — Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response to news that it could take at least 11 years to complete the refurbishment of the Pickering nuclear plant.

“Ontario is falling behind while the rest of the world reaps the benefits of the clean energy transition.

Recent data shows that the United States’ renewable energy investments netted $249 billion in climate and health benefits in just three years.

Meanwhile, the government canceled contracts for low-cost renewables and is pouring billions into the Pickering refurbishment that won’t come online for over a decade.

We need solutions to the looming energy crunch now, not in 11 years.

The best way to protect Ontario’s consumers, economy and climate is to invest in low-cost renewables and ambitious efficiency programs to help Ontarians save money by saving energy.

Anything else just leaves Ontario further behind.”

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