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  • The Premier’s government opening the floodgates to reckless sprawl

QUEEN’S PARK — Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response to the Premier government’s proposal to revise current land use planning documents to weaken protections against reckless urban sprawl.

“Make no mistake. These eleventh-hour attacks on land use planning rules are designed to open the floodgates to reckless, expensive sprawl – while doing nothing to address the housing crisis.

All over the place, we see proof that this government’s housing schemes are already failing Ontarians. Housing starts are going down and prices are still sky-high.

People across the province are spending exorbitant amounts on rent, often while trying to save up to buy a home in a community they love.

But this government is leaving them out to dry while bulldozing ahead with a sprawl-at-all-costs agenda that’s bad for our health, bad for the environment, and bad for your budget.

It’s not fair that the only homes this government cares about are hours away from the places people want to live, work and play.

It’s not fair that young people are being forced to choose between having a home and living in an affordable, connected community.

There is more than enough land within existing boundaries to build the homes we need – where people already spend their time – while protecting farmland and the environment at the same time.

Everyone deserves an affordable place to live in a connected community designed for people – close to jobs, family, shops and transit. I will continue to push the government to take action that will actually make homes more affordable in Ontario, including:

  • Passing housing bills 44 and 45 that will end exclusionary zoning by allowing for four-storey walk-ups in existing neighbourhoods and mid-rise buildings along major roads as of right
  • Making substantial investments in affordable, deeply affordable and supportive housing, including co-op and non-profit options
  • Reinstating rent controls on all units to regulate rental increases year-to-year and protect tenants from being unfairly priced out of their homes
  • Establishing an effective vacancy control system that would limit rent increases between tenancies and get rid of the incentive for landlords to drive out long-standing tenants in order to increase rents.”
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