TORONTO — This afternoon, MPP Mike Schreiner sent an open letter to the Premier once again urging him to commit to signing onto the national child-care plan to bring affordable and accessible $10-a-day child care to Ontario.

“Ontario’s families have been through so much throughout this public health crisis. We have a responsibility …

TORONTO — MPP Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response to news that British Columbia is implementing a vaccine certificate:

“Throughout this public health crisis, the government has been slow to act despite having ample advice available to them from scientists and public health experts.

The second and third most populous provinces, Quebec …

TORONTO — Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response this morning’s FAO report on the state of Ontario’s municipal infrastructure:

“Today’s FAO report shows the dire state of municipal infrastructure in Ontario.

It shows that 45% of municipal infrastructure assets are not in a state of good repair. And that the municipal infrastructure …

TORONTO — Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response to Dr. Moore’s announcement:

“The Premier’s half measures to battle COVID continue to put people at risk.

We need mandatory vaccines for both healthcare and education workers to protect patients and students. What was announced today is a cop out.

The Premier refuses to take the …

TORONTO — Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response to reports that many major school ventilation upgrades won’t be ready by September:

“It’s completely unacceptable that a year and a half into the pandemic, the Premier has still not delivered on improved ventilation in classrooms.

We know clean air quality is crucial to preventing …

TORONTO — Mike Schreiner released the following statement on schools:

“Tomorrow is the TDSB deadline for parents to decide between online and in-person classes for their child come September.

But it’s an impossible choice between the negative impacts associated with more online learning and the risk of COVID in unsafe classrooms.

Parents are stuck between …

TORONTO — Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response to the new IPCC report:

“Today’s IPCC report highlights the full scale and severity of the climate emergency.

It’s a code red for humanity, according to the UN Secretary-General.

Unfortunately, the report is not at all surprising.

The climate emergency is being felt in full force across …

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