Guelph is Ready: community leaders come together to discuss a safe return to school

(Guelph, January 14, 2022) – Officials and community leaders from Guelph gather to discuss being ready for a safe return for students.

In an impressive display of community leadership and collaboration, leaders in healthcare, education, public health, and business, along with municipal …

“Ontario is dead last when it comes to per-capita housing supply. We need to change course urgently.

It’s becoming harder and harder for people in Ontario to find an affordable place to live. The housing affordability crisis is hitting Ontarians hard.

It’s hurting them in their wallets, and it’s hurting their health.

If we want …

In an urgent letter to the Minister of Finance, Schreiner amplified the Ontario Nonprofit Network’s calls for key measures, including:

Ensure all supports that are available to small businesses (e.g. Small Business Relief Grant and Ontario Business Costs Rebate Program) include non-profit organizationsCreate a targeted support program for non-profits in Ontario that have specifically been impacted by …

“With schools expected to return on Monday, families and educators deserve to know key information about how safe their school is.

That’s why I’m calling on the Premier to implement a province-wide database on safe school statistics.The database should be broken down by individual schools, be up-to-date and highlight key safety information, including:

Number …

TORONTO — Mike Schreiner made the following statement in response to the Premier press conference:

“The Premier’s dithering and delays have left Ontarians scrambling once again.

The result is that businesses, students, parents and health care workers are now suffering because the Premier didn’t take proactive measures.

The Premier simply can’t delay delivering the support people …

GUELPH – Mike Schreiner made the following statement regarding small businesses:

“The federal government’s announcement of expanding supports for workers and businesses is encouraging, but now it’s Ontario’s turn to step up.

It’s been six days since the Premier announced new restrictions for businesses, but he has failed to announce any details on supports …

TORONTO – Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response to the Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Moore’s COVID-19 update:

“This week’s hunger games for vaccines is a blaring example of the consequences of delayed action from the government.

The science and health experts have been clear for months on what Ontario could …

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