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  • Premier fails to protect education jobs

QUEEN’S PARK — Mike Schreiner released the following statement after the Peel school board warned of impending teacher layoffs:

“Teachers are losing their jobs as a result of Ford’s overhaul of education.

It is disingenuous for the Premier and Education minister to claim otherwise as school boards issue layoff notices.

I hope most of these teachers are recalled in the fall, but I’m not confident given the education numbers budget. This government needs a math lesson if it believes that losses through attrition will cover the spike in class sizes.

In my riding, 56 secondary teachers and 54 elementary teachers have already been issued with layoff notices from the Upper Grand District School Board.

Instead of being straight up with the public about the impact of education restructuring, the Premier is vilifying teachers and provoking unions with threats around collective bargaining.

The public deserves honesty about the changes in our education system, not political spin from the Premier. “

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