“The Premier seems to think the market alone can solve the housing crisis. He’s wrong.
It will take more than the private sector to address the real housing affordability challenges that Ontarians are struggling with.
The task force was clear in its report: affordable housing was not part of their mandate.
That is a failure that falls squarely on the Premier.
Why even convene a housing affordability task force that isn’t tasked with affordable housing as part of the plan?
More supply without investments in deeply affordable housing and tools to combat speculation will result in more of the same: deep-pocketed investors buying up properties in unprecedented numbers, which will make life even more unaffordable for Ontarians.
It’s time to put sound policy ahead of ideology. That’s what Ontarians deserve.
We need all hands on deck — all levels of government working together to make sure everyone has an affordable place to call home.
It’s going to take government investment as well as support for private and non-profit developers to address the housing crisis Ontario is neck deep in.”